Do you struggle to find what God wants you to do with your life? Do you want a life that matters?

Jesus wants you to have a life that is overflowing, but how do you get there? The Unlocked Intensive is designed to help you answer that question. By tapping into how Got has designed you and the purpose He has for you, your life can be full and transformative. Come spend two days with us to establish and invigorate your life by focusing on what God has placed inside of you.


Currently, there are no Unlocked Intensives scheduled


Seminar format but with 20 min per hour of teaching. The rest is spent interacting with others, yourself and God.


Steve Eklund

Steve Eklund spent 30 years in the investment world using his faith fueled coaching approach that has led to extraordinary results. Steve partners with his daughter Rachel to deliver a seminar that focuses on providing clarity, direction and movement to attendees.


Rachel Eklund

Rachel is a certified Myers-Briggs coach with a strong background in interpersonal relationships and business branding. She loves helping companies and people find the core of what they are doing; helping them establish who they are, areas of tension they might feel, and how to proceed to build better relationships.


God desires us to all be connected to Him and His purposes that He has put inside of us.